Preserving our past for your future.
Our museum gives you a taste of both rural and town life as it used to be as well as the agricultural and oil industry from the Provost area. 2015 has seen the creation of 'Main Street Provost' as it was in days gone by. The internationally shown Re-Inventors TV show stopped by the Provost & District Museum and left several of their re-inventions for your pleasure to view as well as a DVD to let you see exactly how the recreation of these inventions functioned ...... or didn't.
The Town of Provost has an excellent sports arena, 2 camp grounds, a trout pond and the Bodo Archeological Centre is only minutes away.
St. Norbert's Catholic Church (Rosenheim) built in 1922 is located 9.6 km south of Provost on Secondary Hwy #899. Still used today for concerts and weddings.
The Town of Provost has an excellent sports arena, 2 camp grounds, a trout pond and the Bodo Archeological Centre is only minutes away.
St. Norbert's Catholic Church (Rosenheim) built in 1922 is located 9.6 km south of Provost on Secondary Hwy #899. Still used today for concerts and weddings.